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Amalgamated UAW Local 145 Administratorship Hearing

Amalgamated UAW Local 145 Administratorship Hearing

We Can Build It!

SATURDAY: Oshkosh Defense Workers, Elected Leaders to Rally Demanding Good Union Jobs for Wisconsin Families Oshkosh Defense slashed hometown jobs in...

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Statement from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Colorado Shooting

Detroit - On behalf of the UAW and all my sisters and brothers, I want to extend our sympathies and prayers on this tragic day to the families of the 10 victims in Boulder, Colorado, shot dead in yet another senseless and unimaginable act of gun violence.

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Statement from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Atlanta Shootings

Detroit -- On behalf of the entire UAW and all my brothers and sisters, I want to extend our heartfelt sympathies and prayers to the families of the victims of Tuesday’s horrific shootings in Atlanta and our prayers for the recovery of the young man who is currently fighting for

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UAW Mourns the Passing of Retired UAW Vice President Dick Shoemaker

Former UAW Vice President Richard Shoemaker passed away Friday March 12 at the age of 81. Shoemaker served as UAW Vice President for three terms including an assignment overseeing the UAW General Motors Department.

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Statement of UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Passage of the American Recovery Program

Taking strong and decisive measures to end the pandemic and create a pathway for a speedy, equitable and sustained economic recovery, President Biden and Congress have made major strides toward protecting the health and safety of the American people.

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UAW Member Advisory Committee on Ethics Is Chosen

DETROIT - UAW President Rory L. Gamble has announced 14 UAW members who were selected by blind draw from each UAW region to serve on the UAW’s newly constituted Member Advisory Committee on Ethics.

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