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Amalgamated UAW Local 145 Administratorship Hearing

Amalgamated UAW Local 145 Administratorship Hearing

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

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UAW IEB Elects UAW Region 1 Director Frank Stuglin as Secretary-Treasurer

Detroit -- With the vacancy created by the election of Secretary-Treasurer Ray Curry to the office of president upon the retirement of Rory L.

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UAW President Rory L. Gamble Announce Decision to Retire June 30

Detroit - UAW President Rory L. Gamble informed staff at noon today that he has notified the UAW International Executive Board (IEB) that he will retire at the end of June. He will serve through June 30, 2021.

Read More UAW President Rory L. Gamble Announce Decision to Retire June 30

Detroit News - Labor Voices: The UAW is fighting for LGBTQ rights this Pride Month

By Rory L. Gamble CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS BELONG TO US ALL Look around your world these days. People are celebrating the diversity of who they are; what makes us all unique, wonderful people. For UAW members in the workplace and at home we live in a time when prejudices are no longer being tolerated, whether it is racial, ethnic, or sexual identity. We find ourselves living in a time where equality in the workplace and in our communities is valued more than it ever has.

Read More Detroit News - Labor Voices: The UAW is fighting for LGBTQ rights this Pride Month