Take Action

Questions 1 & 2 on the Aug. 13 ballot are another power grab by extremist politicians — the same politicians who attacked Wisconsin workers and forced their anti-union laws on our state.

  • Questions 1 & 2 would take away the governor’s ability to direct federal funding – even for emergencies and disaster relief.
  • Extremists in the state legislature want that power for themselves so they can decide how to spend, or block, that money.

You can stop the 1-2 punch AND you can join the UAW team to win Wisconsin in 2024. Click here to sign up and join the UAW family that’s getting out the pro-union vote.

Voting is a vitally important right and duty of every American citizen. As a member of the UAW, we further encourage you to be active in the political process of our country. Any gains that we make at the bargaining table can be easily taken away by some elected politician through legislation. It is vitally important to elect representatives that will look out for our best interests as working Americans. We need everyone to get out and make your voices heard in the elections. To help with this, here is a link to a tool that will tell you where your polling place is.