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Brothers and Sisters,

Just a reminder to all of those who took the VTEP. It will likely red flag the state of IL IDES system when your employer reports taxes to the state from you, for a week in which you told IDES you did not work.  This means that they will likely send you an audit form.  MAKE SURE TO FILL IT OUT AND RETURN IT!!! 

Failure to return the audit form will result in the state sending their next letter informing you that you owe several thousand dollars. When you do fill out the audit form, make sure to explicitly state that you were laid off against your will, through no fault of your own when the plant went idle.  The VTEP is money the company offered you to give up your call back rights. DO NOT SAY THAT YOU QUIT!!!  You did not quit; you were laid off when the plant went idle.

This is an example of what the Audit forms will look like.  You must indicate any income paid by Stellantis and make sure to explain what it is at the bottom.  Use the exact language that I did in this example.  This is only an EXAMPLE!!!!  Everyone will have different amounts and different types of payouts.  We can help at the hall with this, but I do not have access to your personal payroll records.  You will need to know gross amounts and payout dates.


If you need help filling out and/or faxing the audit letter, please come down to the Union Hall. The hall is open from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 815-544-2111

Mike Moe
UAW Local 1268 Financial Secretary