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Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteers

Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteers Needed

Please consider volunteering your time on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 for a food drive to help our members and the community who need a little assis...

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Manual SUB Instructions

Unit 1 Stellantis UAW local 1268 members can always find the manual SUB instructions in the Unit 1 Benefits tab above.

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We Can Build It!

SATURDAY: Oshkosh Defense Workers, Elected Leaders to Rally Demanding Good Union Jobs for Wisconsin Families Oshkosh Defense slashed hometown jobs in half since 2012 Workers urge company to build USPS vehicles in Wisconsin, create 1,000 local jobs OSHKOSH, WI — Joined by community members and elected leaders outraged by the loss of local jobs, Oshkosh Defense workers with the United Automobile Workers (UAW) Local 578 will rally Saturday at the corporation’s massive headquarters calling for a major investment in good union jobs for Fox Valley families.

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Statement of UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada Director of the UAW Stellantis Department on 2021 Profit Sharing Announcement

Detroit - During the 2019 Collective Bargaining with Stellantis, the UAW bargaining team fought hard for an enhanced profit sharing formula that more fairly distributed profit earnings based on the company's unique structure.

Read More Statement of UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada Director of the UAW Stellantis Department on 2021 Profit Sharing Announcement