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Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteers

Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteers Needed

Please consider volunteering your time on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 for a food drive to help our members and the community who need a little assis...

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blackpressusa OP-ED: Where We Go from Here

By Ray Curry, Secretary-Treasurer, UAW A month into a tumultuous start of a new year, a new year following the most chaotic year in America that any living person can remember, I am seeing signs that the work in the streets and in our hospitals and at our voting booths far and wide, are saying even in states no one thought we would have captured after 2016, that even though we have been hit hard on so many fronts, it’s our front line that is now advancing for the greater good. It is divisiveness and hate that must retreat; it is science that will now confront COVID-19. And it is Americans of color who overcame at the polls to deliver the House, the Senate and the Presidency....

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