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About/Contact Us

 Local 1268 is an Amalgamated Local with a membership of over 50 active members and with many retired brothers and sisters. Among our auto and suppliers' industries, our members also include the Boone County Clerks, Unit 12 and Boone County Clerks and Recorders, Unit 16.

The membership was as high as 4,500 when layoffs started affecting our members. Elimination of jobs started in May 2019 when C crew was eliminated affecting over 1,400 jobs. This affected UAW Local 1268 Brothers & Sisters at Belvidere Assembly Plant, along with our part suppliers Adeint, Android, syncreon, Oakley, Grupo Industries, syncreon ll, Piston, and janitorial SBM Management, and HydroChem. Then in July of 2021 Stellantis eliminated the second shift, adding another 1,600 jobs lost to our amalgamated local and community.

Even though making a recorded $16.8 billion in net profit in 2022, the company chose to notify first shift that they would be idling the plant on February 28, 2023, which did extend to March 3, 2023. That's another 1,400 jobs lost to our local and community. Stellantis claims the pandemic and global microchip shortage along with the increased electrification of the automotive market as cause of idling the plant.

Many of our members have transferred to other facilities, accepted a buy-out (VTEP) or have retired. The remainder of our members are uncertain what the future is. The only thing for certain is we all want product for Belvidere Assembly Plant. It only makes sense since our members at Belvidere Assembly Plant had the best attendance, quality and delivery of a product in the corporation, with the help of our part suppliers.

We are not done fighting for our members and community.

Belvidere Deserves Better


Contact UAW Local President Matt Frantzen:

Contact website: 
Mary Bingenheimer:

UAW Local 1268 Union Hall
1100 West Chrysler Drive
Belvidere, Illinois 61008
Phone: 815.544.2111
Fax: 815.544.0503

The hall hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT: Our purpose is to inform, update and provide our members, active as well as retired, with accurate information, timely and important alerts for special meetings, as well as reminders of upcoming events, useful information, and helpful links. It is also our goal to encourage the membership's involvement and to strengthen solidarity amongst our brothers and sisters.

2nd Vice President

Stacey Dahle

Stacey was hired at Chrysler and has been a UAW Local 1268 member since October 3, 1994. He has worked several jobs in Chassis (9171), Final Inspection (9190) and Paint Repair.

Read More Stacey Dahle
Financial Secretary

Mike Moe

UAW Local 1268 Financial Secretary

Read More Mike Moe

Dawn Tree

UAW Local 1268 Trustee

Read More Dawn Tree

Ron Sodko

UAW Local 1268 Sergeant-at-Arms

Read More Ron Sodko
Retiree Chapter Chair

Dave Woody

Marilyn Spradling, Vice Chair
Cherie Bartelt, Recording Secretary
Bill Tratnik, Financial Secretary
Frank Pasqueno, Sergeant at Arms

Read More Dave Woody