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Elected and Appointed Positions

Unit 1- Stellantis Committeemen

Tim Ferguson: Shop Chairman/Committeeman- District D Chassis (9171) Including Inspection- 815-547-2527
Matt Frantzen: Committeeman- District B Paint (9130) & Final (9190 Including Inspection)- 815-547-2237
Dan Louis: Committeeman- District A Body Shop (9110) & Stamping (4200 Including Inspection)- 815-547-2376
Tony Cavallaro: Committeeman- District C Trim (9150 Including Inspection)- 815-547-2228
Andy Ferguson: Committeeman- District E Material (3250,3330 & 3350)- 815-547-2227
John Stanfill: Committeeman- District F Skilled Trades (3200,3420,3450,3460 & 4260)- 815-547-2388

Unit 1- Stellantis Chief Stewards
LeGarrett Reed: Chief Steward- 1st Shift Dist. 5- AB/Body-Shop (9110)- 815-547-2375 & Paint Dept. (9130)- 815.547-2266
Joey Szakalski: Chief Steward- 1st Shift Dist.1- E Material Dept. (3250,3330,3340,& 3350)- 815-547-2622
Tony Montalvo: Chief Steward- 1st Shift Dist. 1- F Skilled Trades Dept. (3200, 3420, 3450, 3460 & 4260)- 815-547-2479
Shane Sammons: Chief Steward- 1st shift Dist.4- AC/Trim (9150 with the exception of Group 6-Door Line & Kitting) & Stamping Dept. (4200)- 815-547-8864
Jon Turmo: Chief Steward- 1st Shift Dist.3- D/Chassis Dept. (9171 with the exception of Groups 8 & 9)- 815-547-2491
Doug Simms: Chief Steward- 1st Shift Dist. 2- C/Trim Dept. (9150, Group 6 Door Line & Kitting) & Dist. D- Chassis Dept. (9171, Groups 8 & 9) & Dist. B- Final Dept. (9190)- 815-547-2428
Michael Witcher: Chief Steward - 2nd Shift 815-547-2226
Carlos Mendez: Chief Steward- 3rd Shift- 815-547-2422

Unit 2- Adient
Mike Dixon: Shop Chairman (815) 899-7460
Melody Good: Vice Chairman (815) 899-7460
Andrew Pierce: Recording Secretary (815) 899-7460
Gill Martinez: 1st shift Chief Steward (815) 899-7460 

Unit 4- Android
Derek Allen: Shop Chairman- 815.547.3742 x233
Markus Griffin: 1st Shift Committeeman

Unit 5- syncreon
Robert Holt III: Shop Chairman- 815.547.5189
Dennis Capitosti: 1st shift Chief Steward
Brad Degenhardt, James Catlin: 1st shift Stewards

Unit 7- Oakley
Mike Virk: Shop Chairman

Unit 8- Grupo
Leo Dowthard: Shop Chairman
Kathryn Gibson: 1st shift Steward

Unit 9- SBM Management
Brent Walker: Shop Chairman- 815-547-2337
Kenny Bass: 1st Shift Committeeman
Jacquelyn Robinson: 2nd Shift Committeewoman
Catherine Murry: 3rd Shift Committeewoman

Unit 12- Boone County Clerks
Brenda Trimble: Shop Chairwoman
Kris Pearson: Alternate Committeewoman

Unit 13- HydroChem
James Stauch: Shop Chairman
April Aumann: 1st Shift Committeewoman
Ricky Romero Hicks: 2nd Shift Committeeman
Jeffery Charrier: 3rd Shift Committeeman

Unit 14- syncreon II
Chris Vernia: 1st shift Chairman

Unit 15- Piston
Raymond Smith: Chairman
Barnard Wilson: 1st shift Committeeman

Unit 16- Boone County Recorders
Laura Bettis: Chairwoman
Giselle Lenover: Alternate Committeewoman