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Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteers

Northern Illinois Food Bank Volunteers Needed

Please consider volunteering your time on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 for a food drive to help our members and the community who need a little assis...

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Statement of UAW GM Vice President Terry Dittes on GM Hill Visit

"While the UAW welcomes the $700 million in Ohio investment outside of Lordstown, Ohio, it is not forgotten that UAW members, their families and citizens in the Mahoning Valley invested in General Motors in its darkest days to allow for the record profits that GM is making in recent years.

Read More Statement of UAW GM Vice President Terry Dittes on GM Hill Visit

Labor Voices – Opinion: Collective bargaining creates equality

Collective bargaining is the process in which a group of workers comes together and negotiates the terms of their contracts with one voice. Making their demands, together. Making a promise that whatever is offered to one will be rejected unless it is offered to all.

Read More Labor Voices – Opinion: Collective bargaining creates equality

Register for the 2019 Financial Officers' Conference

The UAW Financial Officers’ Conference will be held Sunday, March 24 through Friday, March 29, 2019, at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel in Orlando, Florida. This conference is for local union presidents, financial secretaries/treasurers, trustees and recording secretaries.

Read More Register for the 2019 Financial Officers' Conference

Video Contest: Four $5000 cash prizes for videos about the future you want!

Care about jobs and the future of your community? Angry about sweatshops and the exploitation of children? Resolute that looking for the union label is as important today as it was 40 years ago? Think our country does best when we invest in ourselves?

Read More Video Contest: Four $5000 cash prizes for videos about the future you want!