Calendar of Events

Real Men Wear Pink Charity Walk

IPS and TOP Executive Board Meetings

Intl Community Services Committee Conference

Presidents & Chairs Mtg

President's & Chairs Mtg

UAW Region 4 Calendar of Events

Intl Skilled Trades Advisory Committee (ISTAC)

UAW Region 4 Fourth Annual Bowling Tournament

UAW Intl Bowling Finals

UAW Deere Council Meeting

Region 4 UAW 4th Annual Bowling Tournament

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

2024 Grievance Screening Schedule

Retired Workers Advisory Council Mtg & Natl CAP Conf

2024 Chicago Area CHR PCT Letter

Pooled Arb PCT Letter & Form

TOP Annual Dues Letter & Form

IPS Annual Dues Letter & Form

UAW International Chaplaincy Committee Two-Day Meeting

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtgs

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtgs

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtgs

CANCELLED Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtg

CANCELLED Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtgs

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtgs

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtgs

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtg

Southeastern WI Area CAP Mtg

Midwest Labor Press Association (MLPA) Conference

American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

UAW Region 4 Retired Staff Clerical & Spouses Reunion

Skilled Trades Leadership Council Election

Intl Skilled Trade Advisory Council (ISTAC) Election

2023 UAW Natl Negotiators for Stellantis Workers

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance’s (APALA) 17th Biennial Convention

Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) National Membership Convention

Volunteer NAACP MLK 60th Commemorative Freedom Walk

Fall Protection Equipment Certification (Indiana)

Fall Protection Equipment Certification Training Program

OSHA-30 Hour Gen. Ind. Health & Safety Training Program

UAW Natl Ford Council Mtgs Resolution Committee

Preparation of Reports to Natl Ford Dept. on UAW-Ford Resolutions

ITOPAC Virtual Mtg (Second)

ITOPAC Virtual Mtg (First)

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) Convention

Lockheed Martin Council Mtg.

Navistar Policy Comm. Mtg.

Reminder Contract Resolutions for 2023 UAW-Ford Natl Negotiations

CANCELLD WI State CAP Conference

Presidents & Chairs Meeting

Presidents & Chairs Mtg.

Region 4 Bowling Tournament

Understanding Bargaining & Strikes Conference

UAW Stellantis Dept Staff Assignments

UAW-CAT Central Negotiating Meeting

2023 Calendar of Events - Region 4

Update LUIS for 2023 Run-Off Election Voting

2023 UAW Intl Run-Off Election Notice

Region 4 Director Elect Meet & Greet

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

Grievance Screening Mtg

2023 Grievance Screening Schedule Info

Per Capita Tax Dues Info

2023 TOP Annual Council Dues Info

2023 IPS Council Annual Dues Info

2023 AFL-CIO MLK, Jr. Civil & Human Rights Conference

UAW-Chrysler NTC EAP Program Certification Training

POSTPONED UAW-GM Key 4 Business Update

Virtual Standing Committees Conference

Virtual Community Services Conference

LU Appointed Reps GOTV Policies & Guidelines

WI State CAP Conference

Chaplaincy Conference Call

IA State CAP Conference

REVISED UAW Natl Gaming Council Meeting

RESCHEDULED Region 4 Charity Golf Outing

36th Annual UAW Civil & Human Rights Conference

UAW Constitutional Convention Hotel & Travel Deadline Information

UAW-GM Health & Safety Conference/Natl ADAPT Meeting

Book of Business Training Basics

Region 4 UAW Bowling Tournament

Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) Convention

2022 UAW V-CAP T-Shirt Drive Order Deadline

UAW Natl Gaming Council Mtg

UAW Navistar BET Council Mtg

Presidents & Chairs Meeting


Grievance Handling, Understanding Bargaining & Strikes Workshop

Presidents & Chairs Mtg

Spring Traveling Skilled Trades, Health & Safety Conference

Intl Skilled Trades Advisory Committee Mtg. (ISTAC)

TOP Annual Dues Information

IPS Annual Dues Information

Per Capita Tax Information

Civil & Human Rights Committee Report Due

CANCELLED Chicago Area CHR Council Mtg

Midwest States PCT Monthly Report Form

Virtual 2021 International UAW Women's Conference

CHR Committee 2021 Report Form

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

2022 Grievance Screening Schedule

WI State CAP/PAC Exec Board Election

Virtual Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Conf

Virtual Union Label Conference

CANCELLED Aerospace/BET/Gen. Dynamics Mtg

Fall Regional Conference

Region 4 Presidents & Chairs Mtg

2021 Virtual V-CAP Raffle Drawing

Real Men Wear Pink Charity Walk

UAW Presidents & Chairs Mtg

LU Officers Membership List Letter

UAW Natl Gaming Council Mtg

LU Members Membership List Letter

UAW Navistar Policy Comm. Mtg

Modified 2021 Region 4 Calendar of Events

Grievance Handling, Understanding Bargaining, & Strikes Workshop

Region 4 Best Shot Charity Golf Outing

UAW Navistar Policy Committee Mtg

UAW Navistar Council Mtg.

Presidents & Chairs Meeting

WI V-CAP Drive Information Packet

MN V-CAP Drive Information

V-CAP Drive Info (Hazelwood Office)

IA V-CAP Drive Information

IL V-CAP Drive Information

Grievance Screening Mtg

NACOCHR Virtual Meeting

Virtual UAW Natl Ford Sub-Council Mtg

Grievance Screening Meeting

CANCELLED Region 4 UAW Bowling Tournament

Virtual UAW-FCA Council Mtg

Natl GM Council Mtg (Virtual)

CANCELLED Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Cancelled Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

CANCELLED Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Virtual UAW FCA Council Meeting

2021 Grievance Screening Schedule

Grievance Screening Mtg.

2021 UAW Region 4 Calendar of Events

TOP Annual Dues Information

IPS Annual Dues Information

Per Capita Tax Information

IPS-TOP Data & Pooled Arbitration Information Letter

NEW DATE Grievance Screening Meeting

Cancelled Intl Chaplaincy Conf

Grievance Screening Meeting

CANCELLED -Region 4 Charity Golf Outing

New Grievance Screening Meeting

IL V-CAP Drive Information

WI V- CAP Drive Information

CHR Committee Report Form

CLUW Women's Leadership Skilles & Exec. Bd. Mtg.

Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights Council Meeting

Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights Council Per Capita Tax

Chicago Area CAP/PAC Mtg.

Cancelled Spring Conference

Cancelled Presidents & Chairs Mtg.

2020 UAW Region 4 Calendars of Event

Grievance Screening Meeting

NEW DATE Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

DATE CHANGE Grievance Screening Mtg.

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Cancelled Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

IL State Area CAP/ PAC Meetings

Cancelled Intl Bowling Finals

Chicago Area CAP Meetings

2020 TOP Council Annual Dues Info.

2020 PerCapita Tax Info.

IPS Council Annual Dues Info.

Chicago Area CAP Council Meetings

Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights Council Meeting

Chicago Area CAP Meeting

Breast Cancer Charity Walk

UAW FCA Council Meeting

IL V-CAP Drive Letter

RACOCHR Advisory Council Meeting

Chicago Area Civil Human & Rights Meeting

Chicago Area CAP Meeting

UAW Local 450 News Letter

Chicago Area CAP Council Meeting

Bowling Tournament Winners

Chicago Area CAP Meeting

Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) Convention

Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights Council Mtg

Civil & Human Rights Local Committee Report form

Local 1268 Black History Program

Standing Comm./Community Srvs./Chaplaincy Conf

Pres./Chairs Meeting

Region 4 RACOCHR Advisory Council Meeting

WI Fox River Valley CAP/PAC Council Election

Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights Per Capita Tax Info

Chicago Area CAP Council Meeting

2019 Region 4 Calendar of Events

Women's March on Washington

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Grievance Screening Meeting

Entry Deadline: 1st Annual Region 4 UAW Bowling Tournament

2019 Grievance Screening Schedule

Spring Skilled Trades-Health & Safety Conference

IPS/TOP/Per Capita Tax Forms

AFL-CIO MLK, Jr. Civil & Human Rights Conference

Local 469 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

16th Annual Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Dinner

2018 Region 4 V-CAP Winners

Cancelled UAW-GM Work/Family...Stage 2 Training Cancelled

International CS/IPS/ITOPAC Meeting

UAW Local 450 August Issue

UAW-GM Hazard Communication Awareness Training Update

Caterpillar Council Meeting

IPS & TOP Executive Board Elections

2019 Union Sportsmen's Alliance Calendar

Civil & Human Rights Council Election

IA CAP V-CAP Ticket Drive Letter

WI V-CAP Ticket Drive Letter

IL V-CAP Ticket Drive Information

Chicago Area CAP/PAC Council Meeting

IL State CAP/PAC Executive Board Meeting

Chicago Area Civil Rights Exec. Board Meeting

Civil & Human Rights Report Form Sep 2017- Feb 2018

Intl UAW Bowling Championship Tournament Finals Template Letter

International UAW-Community Services Conference

International UAW-Health & Safety Conference

Chrysler Council Meeting

Presidents & Chairs Meeting

Retiree Board Meeting

Standing Comm./Community Serv./Chaplaincy Conf. (SCCSC)

Presidents & Chairs Meeting

Grievance Screening

Grievance Screening

Cancelled Chicago Area Civil & Human Rights MLK Event

Chicago Area CAP Meeting

Local 469 Civil & Human Rights MLK Celebration

Pooled Arbitration Fund Per Capita Tax - 2018

Chicago Area Civil Rights Exec. Board Meeting

Chicago Area CAP Meeting

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Charity Walk

President's & Chairs Meeting

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