Take Action

Questions 1 & 2 on the Aug. 13 ballot are another power grab by extremist politicians — the same politicians who attacked Wisconsin workers and forced their anti-union laws on our state.

  • Questions 1 & 2 would take away the governor’s ability to direct federal funding – even for emergencies and disaster relief.
  • Extremists in the state legislature want that power for themselves so they can decide how to spend, or block, that money.

You can stop the 1-2 punch AND you can join the UAW team to win Wisconsin in 2024. Click here to sign up and join the UAW family that’s getting out the pro-union vote.

The tax credit of an additional $4,500 for union-made electric vehicles made in the U.S. is a win for UAW members, unorganized autoworkers, and the entire labor movement. The provision:

  • Supports the high standards in wages, benefits, and safety that UAW members have bargained for in the auto industry
  • Incentivizes nonunion companies to stop spending millions on union busters and to allow their workers to form their unions freely
  • Encourages U.S. auto manufacturers to bring back jobs they offshored

Union members in the public sector are once again under attack and need our support. The Snyder-appointed Civil Service Commission is using the cover of a global pandemic to engage in underhanded union busting targeted at State of Michigan workers. This is not only an attack on dedicated state employees, but also their ability to provide quality public services to the people of Michigan. At a time when state workers have been on the frontlines of protecting the people of Michigan from the coronavirus, these anti-worker commissioners are trying to undermine the right of state employees to collectively bargain. Stand with our brothers and sisters and tell the Civil Service Commission to end these anti-union attacks.

Call your Representative’s office right now at 1-866-287-6350, and call your Senator’s office at 1-888-329-5096. Make sure you let them know who you are, where you live, and that any federal legislation dealing with this pandemic protects frontline workers and working families across America.

Owen Bieber touched the lives of many during his career, including many UAW members and their families. During his 12 years leading the world’s most powerful union that was 1.1 million members strong, he had a hand in supporting struggles for human rights from Africa to Eastern Europe, and advising President Bill Clinton on labor and economic issues.

Bieber’s work as a union leader went beyond rallies and negotiations. The UAW supported labor and civil rights movements with leaders across the globe, where the stakes were about more than higher wages. He is a leader that will be missed, but never forgotten. Do you have a story about Owen? We'd like to hear it!

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