Brandon Campbell

Brandon Campbell was elected as Director of UAW Region 4 in December of 2022 by members in the first direct ballot election in the UAW.
He joined the UAW as a second-generation UAW member in 1994 when he went to work at Chrysler’s Belvidere Assembly Plant represented by UAW Local 1268.
Campbell immediately got involved in Local 1268 by serving on several standing committees, including Civil and Human Rights, CAP and Bylaws, as well as the Election Committee.
He has always had a passion for helping workers come together and form their own unions. From approximately 1999 to 2005, he worked on many campaigns across various sectors and regions of the UAW as a member organizer. His experience as an organizer deepened his commitment to UAW and continues to motivate him through today.
In 2005, he was elected Committeeperson for body shop and stamping departments. In 2008, he was elected President of Amalgamated Local 1268.
In 2009, Campbell was appointed to the International UAW Staff by President Emeritus Ron Gettelfinger and assigned to Region 4. Shortly after being assigned to the region, then-Director Ron McInroy tasked him with servicing assignments which included local unions across northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. His assignments included auto (Stellantis), IPS, agricultural implement suppliers and TOP units.
As a Servicing Representative, he negotiated numerous contracts, arbitrated many grievances, and continued to be involved in organizing. He won a settlement worth more than half a million dollars after an Android Industries plant closed and didn’t pay members’ accrued vacation.
One of his proudest organizing and bargaining moments occurred in Beloit, WI when TMD workers voted overwhelmingly to form their union, joining Local 95. Campbell was fortunate enough to be with them through their organizing victory, and then lead their first contract negotiations, which resulted in a 100% ratification vote.
He and his wife Kathy have four children – Shelby, Taylor, Tristan and Brandon, Jr. They also have four grandchildren.